Monday, September 18, 2006

A bit of a wonky day so far...

I finally got enrolled in some classes at Ryerson. Two in particular that I'm excited about, the mid east: crisis and conflict and the philosophy of love and sex (Man I love my business degree). Anyways that’s not the weird part. I have an ear ache in both ears (ears aches? is that a medical term?)Also, I sat on my glasses now they’re bent and they keep falling off my face. It's pissing me off.

So this whole homeless thing is catching up with me. I didn't really mind up until now. I had money, but I just ran out and my work has screwed up my last paycheque so it'll be two weeks before I have a single penny. So I'm starving and nic fitting like crazy. Its weird cuz you can smoke to suppress your appetite, or you can eat to combat the cravings. But I can’t do either. I'm testy and want to suck the teeth out of my head. I'm going bonkers. Plus I have nothing to do. I have like 5 hrs before class begins but I can’t afford to ride the subway.

I've been offered a job, its reading trashy love novels and reviewing them. Maybe I can start that today, hopefully you get paid up front…


At 10:19 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

actualy u'll get paid thursday, 21st, at least I do! haha

At 7:28 PM, Blogger kristin said...

i got earaches too!!! for like months now!! is your neck stiff? headachy? cause personally i think it's connected. it could be a stresss thang!

At 7:28 PM, Blogger kristin said...

i got earaches too!!! for like months now!! is your neck stiff? headachy? cause personally i think it's connected. it could be a stresss thang!

At 11:39 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

no its from swimming in my pool and hot tub and not drying his ears properly before watching tv in the animal room, right TJ?


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