Tuesday, October 17, 2006

(gulp)...er...sorry about this :(

Arthur Schopenhauer claims that man will endure any amount of "trouble or danger in pursuit of a woman with definite qualities that appeal to him individually" He says this is an instinct bestowed upon brutes and that man will sacrifice his own happiness and welfare with no concept of the price to achieve such an end. "Nature implants itself wherever the acting individual is incapable of understanding the end, or would be unwilling to pursue it." He continues "He often sacrifices his own happiness in life contrary to all reason, by a foolish marriage, by love affairs which cost him wealth, honour and life, even by crimes such as adultery or rape."

So who among us is not subject to instinct? Who can deny the "Metaphysics of the Love of the Sexes"? as his work is titled. Maybe now my whole zombie love thing is making more sense, maybe the fact that I'm sitting on a giant time bomb and I'm the happiest glutton for punishment you've ever seen makes sense as well.

My ex girlfriend moves back to Toronto in 2 weeks...


At 10:56 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

some words of wisdom to the unwise written by a fellow unwise fellow........don't go back to the ex, they are called an ex for a reason, they are the past.

At 11:36 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

omg ure tourist attraction BOOSTER JUICE is closed! shut down! what will become of your spot?! how will tourists visit it in 2000 years?!

At 12:07 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

i know how much you still love ur ex...and i know how happy you were when she was with you, dude i know how torn appart you were when she left.....i kindda had to become ur gf for a while...wierd...but yea do what u think feels right, and i think she is the only one who can do u right....

At 6:30 PM, Blogger kristin said...

...soooo... is that gonna be the last word on this? is back-together an option here? ya, so the last word on this one is...?

At 12:09 AM, Blogger El Chupacabra said...

Perhaps my next post will deal with game theory. A utility maximizing exercise discovered by John Nash and made famous by "A Beautiful Mind"

What do you think? What would maximize my utility?

At 1:29 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

It seems you already are maximizing your "utility" these days, although I'm sure you of al guys can surpass the "maximum" point.


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