Friday, August 11, 2006

Goodbye sweet Artemis...

I had a close friend tell me that what I do is wrong. Like the most important person I know, tell me that I hurt people.

All I wanted was that in 2000 years from now, martian tourist would book trips to visit earth and stop at the booster juice at bloor and st george. I wanted them to examine the ruins and bring back necklaces, filed with sand that was excavated from its site. I wanted them to present it to their loved ones back home. To wear around their necks, close to their hearts, so that they too could have the majestic and symbolic weight upon their very life blood as it coursed through their veins, a testament, of a piece of history that they could connect with and say that they too grasped but a portion , a vile full, of the love and intensity, that shaped my life.

I wanted them to offer all inclusive packages that included a stop at the red room, where lovers could do pilgrimages to the location that changed the course of this very world. I wanted them to visit the remnants of the Vatican which housed the new "shroud of Turin". My grey t-shirt. The one I wore that night, and illustrates the passion of devoted lovers in the height of their youth. I wanted people to gaze upon the ruble and jest that this stray string or random litter is in fact part of the shirt I wore on that fateful night.

I wanted to be the 8th wonder of the world, and people to marvel at the majesty and definitive nature of my love. I wanted to be mentioned in the same breath as the pyramids, and stone henge’s. The hanging gardens of Babylon and the temple of Artamis. Mere stepping stones to an event so crucial and cataclysmic that it shaped the very earth. An event that spurred the mass migration of the planet to interstellar occupation and inhabitation.

Anywhere the sun shone, it was only to illuminate and highlight my love that people could but grasp its intensity and importance. The world, the whole universe revolved around us.

Black holes and supernovas were the devils best attempt at destroying the one event that changed the course of human history. And super evolved species would tisk and shake their heads at the devils vain attempt to conquer what is truly an indestructible force.

Yet the simple words of a friend destroyed it all. Goodbye pyramids, you had a good 3000 year reign. The sphinx, you were a gem, but you too must disappear. All these lost treasures in a simple sentence that redefined human existence and fundamentally changed the route of all man.

Hearts once nourished with hope an compassion are now the fall of every man. And desolate places is what is left to reside in...


At 9:27 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Have you ever read "the Magus" by John Fowles?

At 10:19 AM, Blogger El Chupacabra said...

No I haven't. Why do you ask? Should I?

At 1:49 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yes. Your words remind me of Nico...

Read and you'll find out.

At 3:14 PM, Blogger El Chupacabra said...

Is Nico one of the characters?

At 3:24 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yes, the main.

At 3:33 PM, Blogger El Chupacabra said...

Is he a douchy drama queen like I am?

At 11:18 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

yea u are a pretty douchy drama queen....why were you blogging at 3 in the morning? anyways another interesting post by you...

so yea your post is highly inaccurate and it can't make sense at all for the following reason! Martians are from Mars, Mars is our neighbouring planet and so if a Black hole or a supernova comes close enough to destroy Earth i am a 100 percent certain that Mars would, well, go with earth. Thus killing all the Martians and rendering the premise of your story do some research!

At 11:27 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said... post is so stupid, it doesn't make any sense

At 11:29 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

oh wait, now i get what i was trying to say....if earth gets destroyed so do the martian and so it's no point crying over the fact that martians won't be able to drink booster juice...

At 11:56 AM, Blogger El Chupacabra said...

Now now Ray, 2000 years is plenty of time for the destruction of both planets and then the re-emergance of life on both planets and their eventual repopulation.

All thats required is one single celled organism to survive. Perhaps evolve under different conditions where things like water and oxygen are not vital. Then the whole evolutionnary process repeats itself. Single celled organisms split and mate with them selves, spawn, grow legs adapt and flourish.

The first time around this took billions of years, but there is a definate learning curve this time around. A supernova would make life on earth uninhabitable, but not necissarily destroy it infrastructure. Shelter? Check, buldings still stand, Food? Check, planty of stuff to eat, if only rotting humans. You see, things are alot easier this times then the original earth of oceans of magma and a noxious atmosphere...

Life will prevail, if only to celebrate the content of my original post ;)

At 12:20 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

This is probably the most stupid thing I have ever read in my life! Are you fukin retarded?

Even with this so called learning curb, it would take hundreds of millions of years if not billions of years for a single celled organism to mutate into something not microscopic, and the probability of this organism to mutate into something intelligent is ridiculously small, and for this thing to happen on two neighbouring plants is almost impossible!

That being said here is real reason why your story does not make any sense. A supernova wouldn't only destroy earth it would completely incinerate it! All that would be left of the entire solar system would be particles of dust. A black whole that would come close enough to devour earth would with complete certainty devour mars as well leaving nothing but highly condensed matter and a pulsar.

A supernova is not like a bomb that would partially destroy buildings and leave humans to rot. The sun going supernova would vaporize everything including itself.

At 10:33 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

cleopatra was here, and cried tears of sorrow at the dissapearance of the great world wonders.............there must be a way for them to remain at the same time as lovers never being hurt by each other but only by the fact that their love is a dangerous slippery slope with them uttering one sentence again and again "it could never be, it could never be" but could it it possible for the impossible to be?

At 4:24 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Listen you stupid piece of shit, you must first know what a black hole is to first even begin to discuss. To start off I am by no means an astrophysicist, nor do I claim to be one, I just have some very basic background in space and space exploration. I am merely just amazed and stunned by what is out there, stars, galaxies, super novas, black holes, dark matter and such; one thing that really boggles my mind more than anything is the great distances in space and its untainted mystery. And no I am not a virgin; I haven’t been for sometime now, though I do wish I was, considering what your mom gave me El! But as your parents know quite well mistakes are often unchangeable.

Now to tell you how stupid you sound with what you just wrote. The first false you stated is when you said, “Let(’s) say a black hole opened”, black holes just don’t open up, they are highly condensed matter with such great density that their gravitational force prevents even light to escape.

As you said “Yes I know the galaxy is always expanding”, the galaxy is not always expanding stupid! The universe is!!!!!! And that is only if you buy into the fucking theory! (which I do agree with), but there is nothing that suggests that the Galaxy is always expanding.

Just to give you an idea as to how big black holes are I am going to give you some measurements and definitions.

1 light year = 9.4605 * 10^15 meters, light years are used as a measure of distance.

The “Singularity” is where all this mass is (theoretically)

An “event horizon” is the gravitational force around the singularity where when you enter it, is the point of no return. In order to escape the event horizon (in theory) an object would have to be going faster than the speed of light, but some call the singularity as the event horizon. The only think you have to know about this is that you can’t escape the event horizon unless you are going faster than the speed of light

The accretion disk is a structure formed by material falling into the gravitational source

Think of the whole thing as a funnel, as water circles the funnel that is like an accretion disk.

The closest observed black hole to earth is roughly 1500 light years away, which isn’t that far compared to the vastness of space.

Here is the size of a black hole not too far away, don’t ask me how they got the measurements, the scientists in U.K used some pretty interesting math.

The event horizon was one light hour across, which is 9.4605*10^15 meters/365/24 = 1,079,252,820 km long and the accretion disk was roughly 2000 times that size of that. This is pretty damn large. Considering that the distance from the Sun to Jupiter is 817 million km, even if black hole was to whisk by us and not sucking us in, earth’s access would not just be tilted, with the amount of gravitational force of the black hole there would be chaos in the solar system.

It wouldn’t only affect earth, every other satellite in the solar system would be affected the sun would also go bonkers, life would seize to exist and we would probably run into other objects and so Martians would not exist in 2000 years.

Buddy don’t argue with me in hypothetical’s, especially in hypothetical’s that are highly unreasonable, like life existing on mars within 2000 years who would then come on earth and find your dumb fucking necklace….dumb ass, who do you think you are, why would they even want to know who you were! Fuck get over your self and your fucking ego, you are not that great you got lucky a few times with the help of a couple buddies, time was obviously with you. Be humble with whatever success you have gotten, for life is very uncertain.

AND WERE YOU PAYING ATTENTION!!!! WE WERE ALSO ARGUING how stupid your last post was in regards to Martians existing in 2000 years to find your damn necklace. WE WERE ALSO ARGUING that a single celled organism can’t evolve into species smart enough to figure out recreational space travel? Yea the evolution process evolves right????? Dumbass!!!!!! AND how a supernova wouldn’t destroy earth? GET REAL ASSHOLE!!!! You said a lot of stupid shit that day, I don’t know why I take it so seriously.

I would give you more mathematical facts but it’s not worth researching them and writing them on your blog. Obviously your post has bothered me enough to write as much as I did already, but to go any further would be ridiculous.

At 4:25 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

the above comment is meant to be in the new post.


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